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Welcome to the PDAC homepage!

PDAC is a newly minted union, ran by postdocs for postdocs

PDAC is your Association or Union which consists of postdoctoral members who join together to advance common interests such as salaries, benefits, schedules, employment terms and conditions, while connecting postdocs to professional development opportunities.

Join PDAC in building a strong community, in which postdocs are provided:

  1. Fair and reasonable compensation and benefits for their work

  2. Effective career and professional development opportunities

  3. A supportive social network

  4. A protection from arbitrary decisions

  5. Rights and privileges similar to those provided to graduate students and faculty members

Learn more about PDAC

PDAC Highlights


PDAC is organizing a number of events and workshops for postdocs

Collective Agreement

PDAC has negotiated with the UofC to establish fair employment conditions for postdocs


Keep up to date with PDAC by checking out our newsletters

Join our Community

PDAC Collective Agreement and Bylaws

The Collective Agreement between PDAC and The University of Calgary came into effect on Jan 1st 2021

We are pleased to announce that the membership voted to accept the revised PDAC Bylaws and budget! 

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